Pterocarpus indicus Willd.

The Mew York Botanical Garden
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12180• Pterocarpus indieus W111&* Medium sized tree
In open woods of fertile soil at 500 feet; stem 2 feet thick,
branched below the middle* 55 feet high; wood moderately
herd# whitish on the outside# burly# odorless and tasteless;
bark yellowish gray# finely checked and scaling in thin
plates# reddish beneath the epidermis and freely bleeding
with a similarly colored juice; main branches ascending#
ultimately numerously branched and forming a flattish crown;
the ascending twigs green; leaflets descending# thinly
coriaceous* folded upon the upper lucid slightly greener
surface; inflorescence suberect, all the stalks and calyx
avmnt style and filaments greenish; anthers and petal blades
light yellow* corolla delicate# erinked, lasting only a day
Of two* wSagawi ffee tree can be seen as a yellow blaze for
0 Xedg*distance, and is rery pretty when in full flower
whit# numerous ”Hymenopterousu insects burning amongst the
flowers which are neither agreeable nor disagreeable in odor;
negallanes# dpril* isio*	ELMER’S	FIELD NOTIi^