Vigna marina (Burm.) Merr.
Filed As
Vigna marina (Burm.) Merr. -
NY Barcode: 04812633
Occurrence ID: 1362c76e-133d-48a9-93eb-7c2f10872a0a
All Determinations
Location Notes
EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. this material is restricted, it is subject to the RBG KEW terms and conditions under which it was supplied. NEW YORK BOTANICAL ^RDfN 04812633 Trailing or sometimes twining herb, usually spreading along the sand, the stems green or reddish, sometimes rooting along the older stems where they become buried; roots with nodules. Leaves trifoliolate; petiole ± fleshy, channelled above; leaflets ± herbaceous, 3-veined from the base, deep green and matt above, similar beneath, glabrous. Inflorescences erect from leaf axils, the flowers c. 6-12 clustered at the tip, only 1 or 2 open at once, opening sequentially from the base. Flowers 15-17 mm tall, lemon yellow; calyx 4- lobed, the upper lobe broad and rounded; standard erect, broad, notched at the apex (c. 13 mm tall, 20 mm broad), bright yellow tinged pale green behind; wings c. 13 x 7.5 mm, bright yellow, curled around the keel tip; keel c. 10 mm long, pale green, deeply rounded below, with a short beak. Pods cylindrical, pendulous, pale green. D.J. & B.P. Du Puy, G. Rafamantanantsoa & G. Schatz 12.11.89 M373 FLORA OF MADAGASCAR Vigna marina (Burman) Merrill E Madagascar, Bay of Antongil, Cap Masoala (West Coast), at Antalavia. Map Ref.: 15°47'S 50°0rE Vegetation behind beach, on pure sand, in front of Pandanus and shrubs. Alt. c. 1 m 04812633
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Vigna marina (Burm.) Merr.