Lathyrus japonicus Willd.

International Sakhalin Island Project 2003
Lathyrus japonicus Willd,	Fabaceae
Det by Ben Legler, Aug 2003
Russian Federation, Sakhalin Region:
Sakhalin Island; ca. 90 km south of Okha and 14 km east of
village of Pil’tun, on eastern coast of island between Lake
Peschanoye and ocean beach.
Om/Oft; 52° 44’ 24" N, 143* 16’ 47.58" E
Stabilized coastal dunes and sandy flats dotted with small
freshwater ponds; dominant vegetation of Pinus pumila, Betula
exilis, Empetrum nigrum, Vaccinium uliginosum, lichens.
Flowers purple; growing in loose sand along outer beach.
Ben Legler, 1167
7 Aug 2003
(WTU Database #4318WTU)