Crotalaria diosmifolia Benth.

  • Filed As

    Crotalaria diosmifolia Benth.

  • Collector(s)

    D. J. Du Puy M320, 06 Aug 1989

  • Location

    Madagascar. C Madagascar, Antananarivo Province. southern end of the cliffs west of Amboasary, c. 35 km S of Antananarivo, near Route Nationale 7.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 04802048

    Occurrence ID: 3c460b27-2760-43bf-b354-d5d112900b91

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  • Region


  • Country


  • Locality

    C Madagascar, Antananarivo Province. southern end of the cliffs west of Amboasary, c. 35 km S of Antananarivo, near Route Nationale 7.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 1500 m. (4921 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    -19.18, 47.5

  • Location Notes


  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

h cd; - -fnah
Crotalaria diosmifolia Benth.
C Madagascar, Antananarivo Province, southern
end of the cliffs west of Amboasary, c. 35 km S
of Antananarivo, near Route Nationale 7.
Map Ref.: 19°11'S 47°30'E
Steep rocky hillside with quartzite, on rocks with
gravel and amongst coarse grasses.
Alt. 1500 m.
Small leggy shrub, attractive, with new flowering
stems, c. 10-40 cm tall, frequently spreading and
unbranched until near the apex; stems silvery
grey-green; leaves trifoliolate, the leaflets sessile,
stipules small, appressed; leaflets narrow,
pointed, subcoriaceous, silvery grey-green above
and beneath. Flowers often paired at the tips of
short side shoots, sometimes becoming massed
into a head of several flowers, bright buttercup
yellow, c. 14-15 mm tall; calyx 5-lobed, star-
shaped, grey hairy; standard bright yellow in
front, with a slightly greenish base and feint rays,
whitish hairy and stained brown behind, c. 12 mm
tall, 16 mm broad; wings yellow, slightly
spreading above the keel; keel greenish. Fruits
inflated, strongly greyish felty hairy, not quite