Rubus subtractus L.H.Bailey
Filed As
Rubus subtractus L.H.Bailey -
NY Barcode: 4780133
Occurrence ID: 7984521f-2825-4fe9-9376-95aea66dfbad
All Determinations
Location Notes
BAILEY HORTORIUM NEW YORK STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE CORNELL UNIVERSITY Ithaca, New York , L. H. Bailey, Director , Philip A. Munz, Taxonomist Ethel Zoe Bailey, Curator Florence Mekeel, Illustrator Address Bailey Hortokium Sage Place, Ithaca, N. Y. April 3, 19M-5 Mr* Otto Degener, Hew York Botanical Garden, Bronx, Hew York 5£, H. Y. Dear Mr* Degener: \ With my Hawaiian Rubi are two covers of introduced things, all from you, and in the following numbers: £606t £178, £l£0, £800, 2257* These plants were once naped R. penetrans by me* Since that time this group of blackberries has been worked over carefully and other species separated. Ohi of them ii lidaus subtractus, now in my manuscript that wfe hope to put In the printer^ hands some time %&, • ':§§k ^ -w 'v this month. I thinl youf specimens belong to this species although some of them are hardiy sufficient for very positive identification. R. subtraetus grows in the District of Columbia and in eastern Maryland and southern Hew Jersey.^: It appears to be a rather common I / g| Cordially yours, 04780133 2231 PLANTS OF HAWAII SXherbàrium of otto degener % Ruhus Olinda ditch trail, Maui, T.H* Common and naturalized only along trail • in open forest. Collected by OTTO DEGENER £ gun ft 1 J 1 9 2?, Henry Wiehke 04780133
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Rubus subtractus L.H.Bailey