Chamaecrista nictitans var. aeschinomene A.Barreto & Yakovlev

  • Filed As

    Chamaecrista nictitans var. aeschinomene A.Barreto & Yakovlev

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4793838

    Occurrence ID: de10a444-65c6-48de-ac85-c46b101da999

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IslandFlorapf 1
Public ïiitëfeq
200 Excellent" 'DÈaw&igsJ
-*g9w Hawaiian
Included., V j
Flora Hawaiiensis, the nëiü illustra-
ted flora: of the Haic'aiidn Islands, hy\
Otto Degener, Books 1 and 2, 1932-
1935* | ($3.50 ¡ffich.f,, ffipl jjg ^	?	.Îjjl
Pictures speak a universal tatt-il
guage. To Understand a scientific^
description u one, iimst firlt learnd
- the- technical /language mf « the!)
scientist but ‘êven a littlê/ chiléfâ |
should be able tî> iecngnize â welij I
dra\^; pidtate.	*	4j	J
That is the main, reason-^why we*
4 believè^ that the?-'general,. publiJ I
Should' hear' more about' Ottu I
Dégénéré iRUstraféd fiera^pf H$i <1
Waji-v Now that bi-sf!' second 1
voltune;is‘completed an<Tron^the I
marketj there are available 20® I
excellentfdrawings of, HawaiiaÉg
plants.- Each drawing; depict^ a.I
r different species, sqfnp ‘native, tm j
the islands, Some introduced. ® I
By this tim^vprofes^ional bo-^j |
tanists are weH .acquainted with I
this looàb-leaf flora; so,at is ûo| I
to tjbem , that this ^review^isj I
addressed^ Râther, vfe hope thai I
it will serye Î as an introduction)
fo!r this*. valuable, publkjatioii -to
some of-the ife^us^ds^of students,
teachers, parents, lovers of Nature
and of the great out-^f^dpors, andv
visiters toHKawaii, who/g^iy want
to know 'Wre aikhit'me, plantai
whihh grow in oUr* forfeits; our
gardens,, along 0Ur streets, eveh im
,wayside^fieldsr'	|
‘ ‘The rejidejf shoo'd' not yet ex-
pSct^t© find in .this' complete1
florà ofiïawaii. jsjBe^j^'has un4
dertaken a tremfendoüS^sk, which
will occupy his timemnd resources.;
for many years to come, if h^uc-'
ceeds in carrying out his plah.TSf
[has been estimated that there hraft
at least 2,500 species di-flowering
plants and .ïgrhà'iin Hâwaii. The
200 species pictured'^nd. ^escribed”
|to <|ate are thus but .là good be-
ginning. But they include -many? 1
kinds concèlfimg which indfuirie||
are frequenters r-Wçli; âè several R
new' species f•'and 'â||pUdy a vëryi |
useful, and. valuàbi^coutribüti'ôra 1
tb the .-subject has pben fefade./'f |
«, -¡The ,^rrangiemenïs^ï^pose-lha;f
fprm, is leap|ble ^of indgflnltg ex-i
pansion and j r e viekm^The Pflffis
are mdtv fmmbere^^*^^ arë ar- [
ranged hbeordKng^w' a '«iMple btlt'1
ingenious èÿstêm of classification.
Or, for that matter, the pagesf mfy,
be removed and rearranged in day
way the owner ina^f choose,
For each species onh l^ie
page holds the illustrating,fj|ke,
other? the {printed data. W The?i
’ drawings-show thp leaves, flpwe|g,;<
fruit/ ànâ details of important]
,parts. (The ofthhthside sets forth*
the scientific and"common names!
of the plant family, genu^^oecies/
gnd authority; reference
original description
and other names fey whfd^ljb has!
been known ,and their ..references i
a hareful ^ascription of R^planti
its type. Ipèality, local Vân|ë/,ah^
pther regions in. whiter it iS know^*'
At the top of the Epgëâ^’therfcef^
number and naîhesibÿ^ , the^
pages may bf arranged, or by
which the species may'ne fou»!?
in thebook.poP	*f?3
Although but 10Q species are*
given in each vqlume, these con-
tainj Urpund -ïS00 pages, ^for there’
i are pages .wMJb discusé tbe famt;;
lies and>geû%fa of points and #Ve
keys by ¡j wÉicl|pthesè, ^4ud 6me <
species may b% sepgratëd^and^&i-
' dices will fee included. v