Rubus pedunculosus D.Don

Plants of China
Rubuspeduncuioms D. Don
Sichuan Province, Xiangeheng Xian: Yibailingba Gop. Off road from
Xiangeheng to Daocheng, ca. 20 km from Xiangeheng. 29tl4'33!'N>
99°55'S',E; 3150—3240 m. Gorge with steep slopes, running perpendicular
to road and tributary of Suoqn He.. Vegetation, of large Pinus and Picea and
mixed smaller, broadleaved deciduous trees of Acer, Prunus spp.,
Rhamnus, Sageretia, Syringa, Betula, etc. throughout and large trees of
Populus along stream. Slope above river. Shrubs ca. 1.5 m tali; lower
surface of leaves white; petals pink.
D. E. Boufford, J. H. Chen, S. L. Kelley, J. Li, R. H. Ree, H. Sun,
J. P. Yne & Y, H. Zhang
30464	10	July	2004
Harvard University Herbaria