Sloanea floribunda Spruce ex Benth.

  • Filed As

    Sloanea floribunda Spruce ex Benth.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 04385584

    Occurrence ID: 79ce89f1-9e5b-4b54-a501-dd61148a2301

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BRASIL, Est. do Amazonas, Mun. de Manaus, ca. 90
km N de Manaus, Distrito Agropecuario da SUFRAMA,
Rodovia BR 174, km 72, depois 6 km oeste da BR,
Fazenda Dimona. ca. 02'19'S, 60*05'W. alt. 50-125
m. Projeto DinSmica Biologica de Fragmentos Flo-
restais, Mata de terra firme sobre latosolo amarelo.
Tree 24 m. tall; buttresses 1 m high; exudate la-
cking, no odor; bark lenticellate, flaking, green
and brown; inner bark hard, 5 mm thick, orange;
sapwood tan. Fruit round, hard.
Col.: P. Kukle	22 Nov. 1989 ^
Funded by the World Wildlife Fund-U.S.
¡SJTOgK botanical gardfn
Monograph of American Sloanea
Sloanea floribunda Spruce ex Benth.
Det. T.D. Pennington (Kew) 2014	£ A,
The New York Botanical Garden
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazönia
No. 73	'	Elaeocarpaceae
Sloanea lonqipes Ducke
det. M.J.E. Coode, 1994