Potentilla multifida L.
Filed As
Potentilla multifida L. -
NY Barcode: 4770715
Occurrence ID: e883c8a5-92e8-44a7-a3a5-6a5847f9872d
All Determinations
Location Notes
[Northern Asia]
? jnQTl South Central SIBERIA UoDlV'(Region o£ LAKE BAIKAL) Potentina multifida L. Weedy area by building. _al Disturbed inner beach and sandy areas at "factory wharf9 with Elymus spp. (5 clones). b) Undisturbed inner beach, with scattered Festuca rubra(?), Craniospermum subvillosum (endemic Borag.), Trifolium lupinaster, etc. c) Bull-dozed sandy flats on first terrace above beach, with rich sand dune vegetation (e.g., Fatrinia sibirica, Astragalus and Oxytropis spp., Silene jenisseensis, Carex argunensis, Alyssum, Chamaerhodos grandiflora). d) Sand dunes to 15 in, with scattered groves of Pinus sy&ffWBtris or Larix sibirica, and many lichens, Elymus sp., etc. e) Sandy Pinus and Larix woods with dense Rhododendron dahuricum understory, from lake to 1 km inland. NW shores of Ostrov f* Island) 011khon on the Maloe More f= Small Sea) , in the vicinity of BUKHTA PESCHANKA (= Sandy Bay) , a village with a fish packing^ factory for the endemic "Omul" (= Coregonus autumnalis ssp. migratorius) , LAKE BAIKAL. 53°19’N, 107°37'E Alt. 456-470m Precip. 170-200mm (1480-1500’) H. H. litis J. C. Coffey M. W* Denton I. M. Krasnoborov 4th field expedition conducted to the U.S.S.R. under the USA/USSR Cooperative Agreement in the Protection of the Environment, Project VI.I - Protection of Native Species of Flora. Sponsored by the Cary Arboretum of the New York Botanical Garden. 2 July 1979 No. 04770715
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Potentilla multifida L.