Gyrocarpus americanus Jacq.

  • Filed As

    Gyrocarpus americanus Jacq.

  • Collector(s)

    W. R. Bainbridge 440, 13 Jun 1961

  • Location

    Zambia. Southern. Gwembe (Distr.). In kloof on steep hillside 1/2 mile southwards along Sinazongwe-Mwemba road from Zongwe river crossing, Sinazongwe Chieftaincy, Gwembe Valley.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4775355

    Occurrence ID: 73926384-581d-48a0-a94c-f6fcad714cb7

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  • Region


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  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Gwembe (Distr.)

  • Locality

    In kloof on steep hillside 1/2 mile southwards along Sinazongwe-Mwemba road from Zongwe river crossing, Sinazongwe Chieftaincy, Gwembe Valley

  • Elevation

    Alt. 488 m. (1601 ft.)

  • Location Notes


  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

(^y rocarjíUS atnCri catuis Jaccj.
Loc. In kloof on steep hillside ¿ oil© south arcis clone
Sinasongwe^ieemba road from Eongv» river crossing, Sinaaongwe
Chieftaincy* Gwembe Vallar*
S#F* CrWembe District. Veg. Type L%/K*
Habítete. Tree, up to IS** d«b#h*o*b* 55* tall, poor form* O.Berk <
very smooth, conspicuous cl%very whitef truce can be distinguish**
ed from several hundred yards sway at this i m of the year by
their silvery boles and e owns* Outer bax& on branches only
paper thick, can easily be rubbed off* Has very soft brittle
i#MS# dangerous to	climbJ	Slash, tldn green	line	then	buff	-J"
thick* Trees now leafless, in fr*, £r* It*	green,	in	clusters
at ©bds branches at top orovau Hot a conmon tree in the Valley,
as far known, found only in the Slnascmgee are, umally a
penetrant in degraded Klrkia thicket along water ocursos or on
sides Karroo sandstone riáges, with Pteroegrous antunesii.
Commiphora mollis, Gogbreturr] elea^nolfe *	°^°*
£pU. W. R. Bainbridge,	No.	j^0
Forest Dept.,	Alt.	£ 1,600 *
Ndola.	Date	13*6*1961*
4r—P313 7-61
Valley Tbnga name IfOTUBETOBE.