Photinia beauverdiana C.K.Schneid.

Plants of Sichuan, China
PVmtinia beauverdiana Schneider
Det: S. A. Spongberg 1989
Dujianyan Municipality (formerly Guan Xian); W side of
the Longxi River upstream from the town of Longxi
between the Longxi River and the vicinity of the
Luojiaping Forest Farm.
Tree ca. 8 m tall, fruit turning read. In remnant
fagaceae forest on ridgetop.
Elevation 1560 m
D. E. Boufford & B. Bartholomew 24900,15 September 1988
with G. Li & G. H. Zhu
Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University (A), California
Academy of Sciences (CAS), & Institute of Botany, Beijing (PE)