Cardamine macrophylla Willd.

Plants of China
Cardamine macrophylla Willdenow
Sichuan Province, Xiangcheng Xian: Yibailingba Gou. Off road from Xiangcheng
to Daocheng, ca. 20 km from Xiangcheng. 29°4'33"N, 99°55'8"E; 3150-3240 m.
Gorge with steep slopes, running perpendicular to road and tributary of Suoqu He.
Vegetation of large Pinus and Picea and mixed smaller, broadleaved deciduous
trees of Acer, Prunus spp., Rhamnus, Sageretia, Syringa, Betula, etc. throughout
and large trees of Populus along stream. Wet areas along streams and streamlets.
Petals pink. Some plants developing fruit without buds opening - buds to fruit in
plants in at least one population. Det. I. Al-Shehbaz & J. P. Yue, May 2005.
D. E. Boufford, J. H. Chen, S. L. Kelley, J. Li, R. H. Ree, H. Sun,
J. P. Yue & Y. H. Zhang
30514	11	July	2004
Harvard University Herbaria