Burmeistera ceratocarpa Zahlbr.

  • Filed As

    Burmeistera ceratocarpa Zahlbr. ( lectotype )

  • Collector(s)

    F. C. Lehmann 5767, s.d.

  • Location

    Colombia. Couga[?].

  • Description

    Phenology of specimen: Flower.

  • Collection Notes

    [Collection event information given as the following in Phytotaxa 615(1): 28 (2023): "COLOMBIA. Cauca: “In silvis densis in lateribus occidentalibus Andium Popayanensium”, western slopes of west Andes of Popayan, 1700‒2100 m, May–Jun, s.d."]

  • Specimen Notes

    University of Michigan Photographs of Types and Authentic Specimens Neg. nos. 234, 248.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 467990

    Occurrence ID: 01072318-7dd9-43c9-83cc-4105eb481ab8

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