Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B.Rob.

<1* Vo,
12626. litBea glutinoea (Lour.) C. B. Bel). Slender
and rather email trees in tamp fertile soil densely covered
with humus In tense forests along the coast; stem 7 inches
thick» £Q feet high or higher, more or lost crooked;
wood yellowish throughout* odorless, bitterish, soft;
hark lentioelled, yellowish gray mottled, dull brown
except the epidermis; main branches mostly at the top,
widely ant crookedly spreading, the ultimate one© slender,
lax, ascendingly curvet; the twigs green; leaves horizontally
spreading, membranous, paler green beneath, the sides
usually curved upon the upper surface, tips recurved ant
twisted1 inflorescence odorless, yellowish green except