Cryptocarya fuscopilosa Teschner

Flora- of Papua New Guinea
JiHi-Ram u UNDP/DEC RAP Survey
10E 3 Lauraceae
Cryntocaryaaff. fuscopilosa Teschner
‘bullataledermainnii group’
Western Highlands Province; Bismarck Range, Mt. Oibo, ridge
community near Camp 1; low stature montane forest in cloud
zone, tree layer generally £10 m, undergrowth profuse, herb layer
very well devebped; colls, this day centered on GPS coordinates
lat. 5 deg. 35513’ x long. 144 deg. 47.252’; altimeter elev. 2050
m this coll.
collection segaence 10502-10544; canopy tree; most parts with
harsh reddisfe-brown tomentum; branchlets robust, 10 mm
diameter; leaves firm, rugose, adaxial surface very dark green,
pitted-areolate, abaxially blue-green glaucous; lamina elliptic,
long-acuminaie; lateralis 3-5 pairs, erect, nervation scaiariform,
veins impressed above, prominent below; inflorescence terminal
and axillary, densely hairy, immature; rachis robust, to 10 cm long.
collection: W.Takeuchi 10516
det.:	WT;	1/98