Cryptocarya fusca Gillespie

A. C. Smith, no.	Sept.	M,	mr
Cryptocarya fusca G-illespie
Det. A. O. Smith
•Kalinin» thoo. • „ fra* m hl^ti P«ri*attt~fci&«
*nd *WfHatt tewniih jwll**» »4ii toreat.
VITI LEVU: Mssjfptmerly Tholo North]: Hills between Nandal. and Nuku-
Baku Creeks, along trail from Nandarivatu toward Lewa: alt. 750-850 m.
GoUectedunder (te auspices of tike Arnold ArboretunTof Harvard University
and the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, with the aid of
grants from the Penrose Futuiofthe American Philosophical Society
and the Bache Fund of the National Academy of Sciences