Lachnocaulon anceps (Walter) Morong

  • Filed As

    Lachnocaulon anceps (Walter) Morong

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 04415972

    Occurrence ID: e75383b6-f0c1-40e6-939d-c9b328752b70

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Plants of FLORIDA, U.S.A.
Lachnocaulon anceps (Walter) Morong
ORANGE CO.: 3.0 mi SE of Christmas, ca. 0.3 mi S
of Tootoosahatchee Creek, 28.50805°N,
80.97954°W (GPS, datum: WGS 84).
Sunny, mesic, sandy opening in oak-pine forest;
Robert F. C. Naczi 18331	24 June 2022
Etienne Leveille-Bourret, Etienne Lacroix-Carignan