Actinodaphne nitida Teschner

Botanical Collections of the Division
of Botany, Department of Forests, Lae.
D. FRODIN, NGF 26722,	7/5/66
Locality: Mt. Penck, west slope of south
summit, Talasea, New Britain, alt *; 1000*.
Lat. 5 28 S	Long.	149 38 E
Habitat:	Submontane	forest (Dillenia-
Calophyllum etc.) on steep slope.
Annot.	Tree; buttresses	very small,
height 50 feet, d.b.h. 8 inches. Bark
grey-black, slightly fissured; lenticels
small, scattered. Blaze orange with
inner layer cream. Wood pale yellow.
Exudate absent. Leaves green on upper
surface;(young leaves yellow-green)
glaucous on lower surface. Flowers
yellow-green. Fruit orange becoming
red when ripe.
Fam.	Lauraceae
Name:	Actinodaphne cf.	nitida
Dupl. sent to:	L.	Bri.	Canb.	A.lfrr*
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Bog. Sing. Syd. UI1. PNH, US. Biohyr