Actinodaphne stenophylla Thwaites

Coll.	1	
No. '	23417	dd. a Mr 1969
Faim	homraoooo	
Gem	gotimodophm«	
Spec.	Stonophylla fh*«	
Det.	Koste nosas ljéj	
Vern.	miho dsals	
Island £•?!**		
Loc.		o Belikuloyo
		* 1090 m. alt.
froo ê if dia»« 29 om*
Bork smooth, i mm, light g rosai oh
ferovm» hard* UtriH hark 5 n,
straw, slightly slimy, odomrloss*
Ma. vaI 1 m.
Dupl. sent to Herb, at: Leiden, Kew, Arn. Arb., Singapore,
Manila, Paris, Lae, Geneve, Sarawak, Ithaca, Sydney, New
York, Br. Mus., Hawaii, Calcutta, Kepong, Brisbane, Can-
berra, Sandakan, Smithsonian, For. Res. Inst. Bogor.
Please notify Bogor Herbarium of new identification of this specimen