Commicarpus sinuatus Meikle

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Leaf, stem or root sampled for d C
Rowan Sage, University of Toronto
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Dept.
Toronto, ON Canada M5S3B2
April 28-29,2008
NYC	... T^S
7144 COMMICARPUS 5/^UArUS Wttklt.	9#
Coll: Richard Bpellenberg
6 July 1983
YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC» Sana'a Governate» Sana'a,
vacant lot with weeds and planted small Eucalyptus
at AID office.
Leaves notably leathery; stems at 45 degrees to
erect» to 3 dm. tall; perianth pale pink to near
white; -filaments cerise; anthers reddish; style
and anthers curling upward (typical o-f Nycts.)
l/ouchi\ n-21.
Distributed from NMC to: NMC» NY $CtiU **•»
US-AID Ibb Secondary Agricultural Institute Proj.