Sesuvium portulacastrum (L.) L.

National Tropical Botanical Garden
National Geographic Society, 2002 Rapa iti Expedition
Sesuvium portulacastrum L.	Aizoaceae
French Polynesia, Austral Islands, Rapa. Tarakoi Islet, east
coast, east end of islet, north facing cliff, 10 ft., 27°35.459’ S,
144°18.306' W.
Flowering vine, succulent lvs, w/ Lycium sandwicensis, Zoyzia,
Carex, Digetaria ascendens, Mariscus javanicus, Xanthstoma.
Steve Perlman 18,103	Apr. 19, 2002
w/ T. Motley & R. Fenstemacher Specimen preserved in alcohol
prior to drying