Everettia pulcherrima Merr.

11425. Sverniti* pulcherrima Merr* Tree 26 feet
high with 1 foot thielt etem, on « streamlet of dense wood«
at 5600 foot of mount Apo.; wood moderately «oft9 palo white,
odorlese and taeteleee; bark brava, thinly scaling; branchee
from tho middle, the ultimate ones rathor slender and half
#*•oping} twigs «root, green, angular, heavy; leaves spread«
ing or hinging, flat, heavy coriaceous, shining green abore,
ru«ty green beneath; inflorescence «ub«r«ot or eroct, dark
green, th« calyx rusty brjjwn, "thick, hard, norered with
minute light colored lenticell«; petals early falling, also
quite rigid or thick» creamy-white below the expo««d surface
turning yellowish; stamens and «tyi«	NOTES
•tigma brown; "Bageboj* Toda|r«Ji|fc«3Fi1Ì^	INUIiiO