Everettia pulcherrima Merr.

IWrttt» palaharri»» a«nr,
liât in tho uppor hu*id «hM si 4VI0 fiitt **#* fbut tutt*
s«4. mm wMto, with » *»lf groan bittariai *4^.^b1ì,
UMt bark valimi oh brown. roddlah ktstUk ul •>»“_ _«<
high, in thl upper hu*id wood«
Ai to, with • *»lf groan bittan
It Wk yollowlah brown, raddiah bon oath tí* *?'<-» »úi*|
oo oilng ln thin rathor fino piatoaj toranahaa ^îîiiradially
IoOtoo thiok« hoOTy,
noorly flat, with	nMiIM
opro*dlng, doap groo» oboro. yoUowloh brava ^*S4#*,por-
groon, ouboroot; podio ola thiok brow») ••XfàWX *«oiduoua,
ai a tant; btt« tipa of ear all»jrall«w ¡patai* r^ííJíij» «olor
*t .
/«no, 1*0«.
tonti bu« tipa of caroli» y enow; hwi i«** ,;;» a olor
labrleate, whltiohj piotilo and a ta» an a a t » *EÎ7.
i »lee thiok «ad rigidi flower« edoriaaa; W**®*”*