Ximenia americana L.

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    Ximenia americana L.

Native name "lama”
Collected on Penrhyn Island, Cook Group
Marhhrl5th, 1927 by Gerrit P. Wilder
Spreading low bushlike plant, 6 to 8 feet high
Growing; at sea level, edges of the salt lagoon
Flowers 3 petals, greenish-yellow
Fruit about 1 inch long,to inches,
7/8 to 1 inch in diameter.
Pulp edible, fruit contains a single seed
Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 534 G.P.Wilder
[Land of Penrhyn
the salt water
known by the natives
glands of either the
vrr-mTE^ plant,
en raw or cooked.
the Herbarium, together with both
|another one in oy&ri&s.
Id foliage of this plant and it may
kave~a	Here, äüef will await word from you if you can
Identify l.t. I am strong of the opinion that it is endemic to the island
of Penrhyn, Cook group*
Hoping to hear# from you at your convenience
Very Sincerely Yours
Gerrit P. Wilder
Dr, Elmer D, Merrill
Director New York Botanical Gardens
New York City