Thesium refractum C.A.Mey.

International Sakhalin Island Project 2003
Thesium refractum C. A. Mey.	Santalaceae
Det. by Slava Barkalov, Jul 2003
Russian Federation, Sakhalin Region:
Sakhalin Island; along west coast ca. 8 km north of Krasnogorsk,
on west side of Lake Baklan’ye between lake and sea shore.
5m/16ft.; 48° 28’ 12" N, 142° 04' 36" E
Conifer forest of Larix ochotensis, Abies sachalinensis, Pinus
pumila, with open vegetated dunes on shoreward side.
Flowers white, 5-merous; common on vegetated dunes.
BenLegler, 818	21 Jul 2003
_ (WTU Database #4055WTU)