Recchia simplicifolia T.Wendt & E.J.Lott

  • Filed As

    Recchia simplicifolia T.Wendt & E.J.Lott

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4384247

    Occurrence ID: 2b5ac083-47e7-4431-a558-369cd60419b8

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R €c~c\a-\ ex. Sl'«AA.pll'ClfoU^V	*• Loff
VERACRUZ: Man. Minatitldn, Hills S of
Poblado 11, ca 27 km al E de La Laguna,
steep arroyo with exposed limestone. 200
m. 17°14I N, 94°17,30" W. Evergreen
rainforest with Terminalia, Dialium,
Poulsenia, Guatteria, and Pouteria.
Tre? to 10 m, 20 an DBH, in shallow
soil over limestone, by small stream,
most fls old, young frs yellow.
W. Thomas, T. Wendt, J. Grimes & j.
García P. 3604	26 April 1985