Camarea ericoides A.St.-Hil.

Collected for The New York Botanical Garden and the Museu Botanico
Municipal de Curitiba by W- R. Anderson, G. Hatschbach,
R. C. Bameby, and B. E. Gates
Camarea ericoides St. Hil.
det. W.R. Anderson, 1975
GOlAS. Chapada dos Veadeiros, 15-40 km W and
N of Alto Paraiso, elev. 1250-1500 m; sand-
stone outcrops, rocky campos, and seeping
Herb from large, turbinate xylopodium; sterile;
sandy campo.
William R. Anderson 11497_20 February 1975
Field work supported by the National Science Foundation. Tfce	Vn^ir
Botanical Garden, the Pre/eitura de Curitiba. Parani nnH
The University of Michigan