Rhododendron nivale subsp. boreale Philipson & M.N.Philipson

  • Filed As

    Rhododendron nivale subsp. boreale Philipson & M.N.Philipson

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4335733

    Occurrence ID: ae77305d-e815-422a-8fe3-be215caf99e4

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Det. M. N. & W R. Phillpson
Christchurch, New Zealand. £ /
1 /7i
Expedition of the University of California Botanical Garden to Southwestern China.
Plants of Yunnan
ffoododendfron rarooslasinimfl Franoh.
1 1 l/a faet.
FXowers blue.
Dry slopes In coinpartf with 88800*
; Altitude X4#50O feat.
Pei-ma shan.
Joseph F. Bock, No. 3$*5!0	September 1932