Anaptychia nevadensis Hollinger & Noell
Filed As
Anaptychia nevadensis Hollinger & Noell -
J. Hollinger 11942 with N. Noell, 25 May 2016
United States of America. Nevada. Esmeralda Co. Lone Mountain, Paymaster Canyon, hillside to S near mouth of canyon.
sparse pinyon-juniper woodland on north slope with abundant granite outcrops. on granite.
NY Barcode: 04305731
Occurrence ID: 8c3ae0a4-09ad-4076-bd11-371adaf3d619
All Determinations
North America
United States of America
Esmeralda Co.
Lone Mountain, Paymaster Canyon, hillside to S near mouth of canyon
Alt. 2100 m. (6890 ft.)
38.032, -117.469
Georeferencing Method
Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden (NY) Lichens of Nevada, USA Anaptychia nevadensis Hoi linger & Noell USA. NEVADA. ESMERALDA CO. Lone Mountain, Paymaster Canyon, hillside to S near mouth of canyon - 38.032° N 117.469° W 2100 m — sparse pinyon-juniper woodland on north slope with abundant granite outcrops — on granite. NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN Jason Hollinger #11942 with Nastassja Noell 04305731 25 May 2016 Anaptychia “phaea” dct. Jason Hollinger I Dec 2017 Small portion of specimen removed for DNA analysis for investigation of unknown specimens from Great Basin. Extract 20171130-X34. Successful ITS sequence will be deposited in GenBank. I® « ill mtm mm EilPM wti mmà i|gSg jmWm WBÈ&& Pi® mm m Ifp mg ' v-;.-. nses WtM mm mm ' “ -E-t ül in W'? Q- 1Y O- *50 W 15 IM 16 0 ü^:l W- ^ew vo/j^ BOTANICAL ®4BDÉ*i Hollinger 11942, TLC plate 45, lane 16, solvent C terpenoids + trace secalonic A? Jason Hollinger, 26 Apr 2018 Anaptychia nevadensis Hollinger & Noell det by Jason Hollinger, 2021 Hollinger 11942 thallus: rosette? lobes: loosely adnate, spreading at tips, weakly to strongly convex, central parts mounding up, crowded together and imbricate throughout, 0.5-2 * 0.5- 1.2 mm, 250-275 |im thick, tips splayed and strongly crenate upper surface: pale or dark brownish-gray, darkening where most exposed, faintly mottled pattern in places, epruinose to weakly pruinose in a few places cortical hairs: very sparse around a few lobe tips medulla: white to faintly yellowish at top especially under apothecia, moderately dense lower surface: whitish to mostly pale brownish, rough-dirty, ecorticate to mostly weakly corticate rhizines: concolorous with underside, simple to fimbriate near tips, 0.5-1.0 mm long epinecral layer: 0-8 pm, dead cells plus some epipsamma, S- upper cortex: ±20-25 pm, hyaline to golden-brown on top, clear, prosoplect, hyphae 4-5 pm wide with 1.5 pm wall algal layer: ±100 fim, clustered with bundles penetrating from above in places, irregular upper and lower edge, clear, cells 9-17 medulla: ±120 pm, ±dense, retie, hyphae, hyaline, densely obscured with granules throughout, S+ crystals abundant hyphae ±3-5 \im hyphae with 1-1.5 walls lower cortex: ±25 ^m, better developed than usual, hyaline, ±clear, prosoplect., hyphae ±4 \im wide, walls ±1-1.5 apothecia: 0.5-1.4 * 0.2 mm, round, adnate to strongly constricted, already forming a mound by time hymenium first becomes visible, scattered but oldest toward center, thalline margins anastomosing with other apothecia or lobes disk: black, epruinose to weakly whitish pruinose, flat to mostly weakly convex to strongly convex in a few, dull, very strongly and coarsely roughened to minutely cracked finally margin: 0.1-0.2 mm right from start, smooth and entire to very weakly crenate in oldest, weakly to strongly raised epihymenium: yellow- to orange-brown, clear but with epipsamma on top hymenium: 130 ¿im, hyaline, clear subhymenium: ±50 jim, hyaline, inspersed with granules and tiny oil drops proper exciple: v indistinct or absent thalline exciple: epinecral layer 0-10 ^m + epipsamma, cortex 15-25 nm above to ±60 jim below, brown upper 5 near top of margin in places, prosoplect., hyphae 3-7 \xm with 1.5-2.5 \xm walls, algae abundant in margin to patchy below or even absent toward center paraphyses: 1-1.5 ^m below to 3-5 jim at tips, weakly capitate and some
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Anaptychia nevadensis Hollinger & Noell