Lyonia ovalifolia (Wall.) Drude

Plants of China
Lyonia ovalifolia (Wallich) Drude
Sichuan Province, Xiangcheng Xian: Between Xiangcheng and
Sandui near the village of Riyin, S of Wuming Shan. 29°8’28”E,
99°55’42”N; 3550-4000 m. West facing slopes and seepages in
mixed coniferous forest (Picea, Abies, Pinus). Disturbed stony
slope below road. Shrub ca. 1 m tall; flowers white.
D. E. Boufford, B. Bartholomew, C. Y. Chen, M. J. Donoghue,
R. H. Ree, H. Sun & S. K. Wu
28648	12	July	1998
Harvard University Herbaria