Pancheria communis Baker f.

OX N.C.W. Beadle Herbarium (NE)
University of New England
Armidale NSW 2351 Australia
Notification of change of determination would be appreciated by NE
NE 98980
Pancheria communis Baker f.
New Caledonia. South Province: valley of Rivière des
Piroques, 17 km from Route de Yate, near Pont Gauzere
22° 11-7" s 166° 43'27" E	150 m
Top of steep hill. Soil derived from ultramafic rocks.
Shrubland with ferns.
Common. Shrub, 3 m.
Coll.: J. Parent 30	14 Apr. 2012
& E. Cathala
Det.: I.R. Telford June 2012
Rep(s): BRI, NY