Ficus pseudopalma Blanco

  • Filed As

    Ficus pseudopalma Blanco

  • Collector(s)

    A. D. E. Elmer 8674, Mar 1907

  • Location

    Philippines. Benguet. Baguio, Luzon, open dry ravines below Bacong.

  • Habitat

    amongst shrubbery of limestone cliffs in open dry ravines.

  • Description

    Unbranched palm -like tree, 4 to 7 meters high, with a grayish-white bark and smooth; old leaf scars remain as brown semicircular rings; stems mostly erect but somewhat croaked 2 inches in diameter or more in the larger specimens; leaves lucid green above, ascendingly recurved; their bracts dry, brown, 2 inches long, oblong with obtuse apex, 1.2 inch wide; figs crowded in the upper leaf axils making the stems appear 6 inches in diameter; subsessile, irregularly compressed in shape, light red near the base on the protected surfaces, subtended by three broad, reddish bracts, the small papillae like lenticels white or cream color. very gummy, 2 inches long by 1 1/2 in diameter... "Adagi.".

  • Specimen Notes

    [Record databased by volunteers in the DIGIVOL Crowdsourcing Platform. Imported to NYBG database in 2024.]

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4375788

    Occurrence ID: 70e8df10-4664-467d-b5bb-a3165b63fd48

  • Feedback

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  • Region


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  • Locality

    Baguio, Luzon, open dry ravines below Bacong

  • Location Notes


  • Distribution

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*ew vo^
T A N I c
Benguet	fcmoQ
8it ftf- A. d. B. Binar M*r,, 1907,
Humber, col-
lector and date.
M74. nous peehdo palma B le o. Unbranched palm
?•tllli high# with a grayish white bark -
and smooth; old leaf «oar« remain as brown semicircular
ring«; «terns m0«tly erect but often somewhat crocked 2
inohe« in di «meter or more in the larger specimens; leav-
es lucid green above* ascendingly recurved; their bracts
dry# brown, 2 inches long, oblong, with obtuse apex/ 1/2
’ inch wide; figs crowded in the upper leaf axils making the
' stem appear 6 inches in diameter; eubsessile, irregularly
compressed in shape, light red near thebaee on the protect-
ed surfaces, subtended by 3 broad reddish bracts, the
J smay^ papillae like lentie els white or cream color, very
gummy $ inch## long byi 1/8 1b r4|ameterj quite common a-
mongst shrubbery of limestone cliff« in open dry ravines
b*l«r:#*oong ; . • »«««1«,	FIELD NOTES