Ficus pisifera Miq.

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    Ficus pisifera Miq.

12832*	pisifera Wall« A strangling epiphyte
about tree truniS^© feet from the moist gravelly soil along
a ooal wooded bank of the Pa too river at ?50 feet; stems
several or few from the same plant« branched from near the base«
2 to 3 inches thick; wood odorless and tasteless, moderately
hard, with fin« hut evident concentric rings, yellowish white;
hark smooth, mottled, yellowish gray mottled; branches laxly
spreading, the twigs suberect, leaves horizontal, chartaceous,
deep lueid green above, m$oh paler beneath, tips recurved;
figs dull purple, along the stem branches and leaf axils, but
mostly along the hranohlets; leave§ ¿»toeing* not numerous;
"Horrok"; Magallanes, April, i9io.M,MMlSFlElD MXm>
74E7*	jffeMU A 3 meter high shrub,
laxly fc?«&*he£lHlm^	mllowt eh; leaves harsh and
figs hard, yellowish wfirthe iljfcfc of------——* —
•of wooded