Xylopia benthamii R.E.Fr.

Xylopia benthamii R. E. Fr.
Det. D. M. Johnson & N. A. Murray (OWU), 2022
The New York Botanical Garden
Plants of Brazil, Rondonia
Xylopia benthamii R. E. Fr.
Det. P. Maas, 1990
Medium tall evergreen tropical forest. Area flat,
the soil reddish, with laterite pebbles. Mun. Costa
Marques, 23 km. NW of Costa Marques on hwy. BR 429,
ca. 18 km. WNW of Costa Marques by air.
12°18'S, 64°17 fW; elevation: 150 m.
Slender tree 10 m. tall, with central stem and
slender horizontal branches at top. Cauliflorous,
with few-flowered clusters; flowers yellow-green,
none open. Voucher for wood specimen, MADw 46059.
Coll.: M. Nee 34659	April 1, 1987
Fieldwork Supported bv The National Science Foundation and the
Conselho Nacional de üesenvolvinento Científico e Tecnológico