Botrypus virginianus (L.) Michx.

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    Botrypus virginianus (L.) Michx.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 04372060

    Occurrence ID: b95513d3-b8ca-4be3-8488-9d8f50b1458f

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Floristic Inventory of the Selkirk Range, Idaho
University of Idaho Stillinger Herbarium (ID)
Botrypus virginianus (L.) Michx.
Det. by Harpo Faust, 8 Oct 2020.	Ophioglossaceae
Fide: Flora of PNW Revised.
U.S.A., Idaho, Bonner County:
Idaho State Lands, Selkirk Mountains, Riley Creek Road,
about 5 miles up road, Off road and into woods East about
100m. Elevation 756 m.
48.244638° N, 116.777787° W
Uncertainty: 5 m.; Datum: WGS 84; Source: GPS
Disturbed yet intact moist Thuja plicata forest with many
downed logs and Athryium filix-femina with Maianthemum
stellatum, Circaea alpina, and Adenocaulon bicolor.
Abundant. Herb ranging from 1dm to lm.
Harpo Faust, 3135
with Whitney Griswold
7 Jul 2020