Halenia corniculata (L.) Cornaz

  • Filed As

    Halenia corniculata (L.) Cornaz

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4366402

    Occurrence ID: bd17b5c7-c6e2-4e5d-af71-c3356f428ed5

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m I
International Sakhalin Island Project 2001
Halenia corniculata (L.) Comaz	[Gentianaceae]
Det. by Valentin Yakubov, Mar 2011. Fide: PI. Vase. Orientis
Extremi Sovietici
Russian Federation, Sakhalin Region:
Southern tip of Moneron Island, north of Cape Observatsii. 0
46° 14.413' N, 141° 15.219' E, ± 2000 meters
Beach community with steep sloughing meadows and rock faces.
Flowers greenish-yellow. Growing with other herbs on most recent
sloughed portions of hillside, high above beach.
Suzanne Joneson, 3687	23 Aug 2001
__[WTU Database #186611 ]