Rockia sandwicensis (Hillebr.) Heimerl

  • Filed As

    Rockia sandwicensis (Hillebr.) Heimerl

  • Collection Notes

    [Pacific] [news paper article]

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 04376325

    Occurrence ID: db975f27-310e-42dd-a028-b34914532ccc

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British interests to Hongkong appeal to be *xelatjvfly^mcohcertt|c[.
over expansion of Japanese aggression to include south-ChtojafDk Joseph«
;F. Rock, internationally known: botanist and explorer and formeap. reSi^
dent of Hawaii, said today. ;
Dr. Rock arrived from the, Orient on the China Clipper Monday. 8«^
will remain. indefinitely in Hono-, r-^—..... ;-----— *? *1||
'lulu, he said..	— W” ——rggaEsr—
Since 1920. the former University .	* ;<fl
! of Hawaii fsicuity mexnber has speut	J&r * '	9
¡most of his time in Cliina. Recently *
he has made his headquarters to -L-- V; * »?*-*> ' «?i 1
Xunnan-Fu, capital of Yunnan prov-	,	+ '?c \ '>«1
¡toce.	•’•••>	I if* «&? V	;V I
• Observers to Hongkong appeared 1 W& WM?' r Vv - / * "
to be little disturbed, by prepara-	Ac: .V^Syiwnral'l
tions for the Japanese attack, on
, Canton, he said.
I	"Sett Out” Seen
§ .^lany 'Well informed persons, he
said, shared the .belief that Japan’s
south China campaign had been,
preceded by§ j^Htotoary negotia-
tion jyhich hadresulted to Canton
being “Sold out.’’::>v:i- |
“Resident^ of -• ^ongk6ng,,r Dr.
Rock said,; “appeared to be more
concerned. over a possible shortage
of vegetables. They ordered a sup-
ply shijpped from Manila i on the
President Coolidgie, and ? the Jap-
anese offered to iship vegetables
from Formosa.”
Dr. Rock was to' Yunnan-Fu
when Japanese glanes bombed the
United, universities of -that ,city
m,	Ti>rnt to Page 4, Columns
Dr. Joseph Rock
rof HaWnii fttnr K|o 1913 asía
1 teacher^ professor of systematic 'botany,
bobbed the air field? Sincé i9á0 heWbéén ah agri-
ly smashing k number oi culture- explorer^with the offic^ of!
planes which' had not been the foreign seed and plant .introdue-’
swooped low mid machtoeguniied .Geographic' society’s, Yuftnan-Tihet
I .teachers an4 stu^ntS; ? who were ^peditiónj 1923-24; 1}!rectó¿;- of tfiei
,g&foí cSíSi of *Árüold drboretum-Harvard uni-1
no , capital, of. veráity botanical and zoological ex*
j, .pOL,
French In
Czechoslovakian éiti&Si
Hanoi Maneuvers
pedition to West China and Tibet*
:#f 1024-27;'- National. Geographic ¿Bó*
ciety’s Southwest Chgria-Tibet- ekr
Japan, he said,, had maneuvered .„edition, 192&; le¿der of the
¿Indo-China to attack Hanoi &e
[moment the European war was de- |&|ifSEIS IW JS? I
iclared.	• ÍVérsity of £&lifornia Yunnan-^ibet
,? Before leaving the’ Orient br ibotanmcaL expedition, 1932-1933.
¡Rock transferred his valuable co.1t ' He is the author of several books
Section of book?, more, than 1,000 Including: ¿The. Indigenous strees of
Volumes, to Hahoi to removí them Hawaii, and A History ^nd Geog-
'from the range of Japanese bon^bs. raphy of Northwest Yunnan,’ China,
fjN WaS‘ botanist^ for the., At present he; 11 the hoiifié- guest .
J-pawaiian board of agriculture^ of Dr Harold <h-- Lyon, director rof
forestry from 1908 to. 1911, He Was ^the HSPA experiment station; . '
I# faculty member of the
2^ ^4,
/ • fjCKxxrtXjUy^
Collected Jbf OTTO?, I^GflNiR	t ~
CMany plants desci¡bid m “SPlants Haw. Nat. Parkjr and
“Flora Hawailensls” ty Otto Degener, Honolulu, T.H.)