Lithocarpus submonticola (Elmer) Rehder

  • Filed As

    Lithocarpus submonticola (Elmer) Rehder

  • Collector(s)

    A. D. E. Elmer 11894, Sep 1909

  • Location

    Philippines. Todaya (Mt. Apo), District of Davao, Island of Mindanao, on mount Langauan, trail to Talon. 50 feet from Quercus 11893.

  • Habitat

    in dense forests.

  • Description

    Medium sized tree; trunk 40 feet high 1½ feet thick; wood hard whitish on the outside at least, covered with gray smoothish bark; main branches ascending, ultimately numerously rebranched, the twigs erect and yellowish brown scurfy; leaves ascending, coriaceous, flat or only the tips slightly recurved, shining deep green above, much paler beneath; infrutescent stalks ascending, arising from the second or third year old branchlets, 4 to 7 inches long; acorns ¾ inch across, covered with a yellowish brown tomentum, the cup half enclosing the flat nut; "Ulayan" This species was growing 50 feet from Quercus 11893 and aside from being a smaller tree the leaves and branches appear exactly identical; the fruits are however very different both were mature and falling - at least of the same age; this species was however observed frequently along the ridge towards Talon for at least 750 feet lower; 11893 only at this elevation and rarely observed.

  • Specimen Notes

    [Record databased by volunteers in the DIGIVOL Crowdsourcing Platform. Imported to NYBG database in 2024.]

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4361699

    Occurrence ID: e94bc429-05a2-4cc3-9fe5-e79571007578

  • Feedback

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  • Region


  • Country


  • Locality

    Todaya (Mt. Apo), District of Davao, Island of Mindanao, on mount Langauan, trail to Talon. 50 feet from Quercus 11893

  • Elevation

    Alt. 1372 m. (4501 ft.)

  • Location Notes


  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

1X894« Queron& montioola Ktn$* Medium sized tree
in &et&$ forests at 4100 f«#t on mmt Zangauah, trail to
falsa,» trunk 40 feet high I l/t feet thlok; mod hard
whitiafc on the outside at least, oorered with gray smcothish
bark; main branches ascending, ultimately numerously
rebranched, the twig# ereet and yellowish brown seurfy;
leaves emending, oorieoeous, flat or only the tips slightly
recurred, shining deep green above, rneh paler beneath}
inf rut esc ent stalks ascending, arising from the second
or third year jsk old brenehleis, 4 to 7 inohes long; acorns
3/4 inch across, covered with/f a yellowish brown tomentm,
ike cup half enclosing the flat sat* "Ulayan;” This
species was growing 50 feet from Quercus 11893 and aside
from being a smaller tree the leares and branches appear
exactly identical,• the fruits are hoverer rery different
both ware asatare and falling- at least of the same age;
this species was however ob8erred frequently along the
ridge towards Talon for at leaet 750 feet lower; 11898 only
at this elevation and rarely obagrfyjUSeptember,
Revised for
Flora Malesiana