Lithocarpus submonticola (Elmer) Rehder
Filed As
Lithocarpus submonticola (Elmer) Rehder -
A. D. E. Elmer 11894, Sep 1909
Philippines. Todaya (Mt. Apo), District of Davao, Island of Mindanao, on mount Langauan, trail to Talon. 50 feet from Quercus 11893.
in dense forests.
Medium sized tree; trunk 40 feet high 1½ feet thick; wood hard whitish on the outside at least, covered with gray smoothish bark; main branches ascending, ultimately numerously rebranched, the twigs erect and yellowish brown scurfy; leaves ascending, coriaceous, flat or only the tips slightly recurved, shining deep green above, much paler beneath; infrutescent stalks ascending, arising from the second or third year old branchlets, 4 to 7 inches long; acorns ¾ inch across, covered with a yellowish brown tomentum, the cup half enclosing the flat nut; "Ulayan" This species was growing 50 feet from Quercus 11893 and aside from being a smaller tree the leaves and branches appear exactly identical; the fruits are however very different both were mature and falling - at least of the same age; this species was however observed frequently along the ridge towards Talon for at least 750 feet lower; 11893 only at this elevation and rarely observed.
Specimen Notes
[Record databased by volunteers in the DIGIVOL Crowdsourcing Platform. Imported to NYBG database in 2024.]
NY Barcode: 4361699
Occurrence ID: e94bc429-05a2-4cc3-9fe5-e79571007578
All Determinations
Todaya (Mt. Apo), District of Davao, Island of Mindanao, on mount Langauan, trail to Talon. 50 feet from Quercus 11893
Alt. 1372 m. (4501 ft.)
Location Notes
1X894« Queron& montioola Ktn$* Medium sized tree in &et&$ forests at 4100 f«#t on mmt Zangauah, trail to falsa,» trunk 40 feet high I l/t feet thlok; mod hard whitiafc on the outside at least, oorered with gray smcothish bark; main branches ascending, ultimately numerously rebranched, the twig# ereet and yellowish brown seurfy; leaves emending, oorieoeous, flat or only the tips slightly recurred, shining deep green above, rneh paler beneath} inf rut esc ent stalks ascending, arising from the second or third year jsk old brenehleis, 4 to 7 inohes long; acorns 3/4 inch across, covered with/f a yellowish brown tomentm, ike cup half enclosing the flat sat* "Ulayan;” This species was growing 50 feet from Quercus 11893 and aside from being a smaller tree the leares and branches appear exactly identical,• the fruits are hoverer rery different both ware asatare and falling- at least of the same age; this species was however ob8erred frequently along the ridge towards Talon for at leaet 750 feet lower; 11898 only at this elevation and rarely obagrfyjUSeptember, Revised for Flora Malesiana det. E. SOEPADMO PHILIPPINE ISLANDS PLANTS Jj’ . DISTRIBUTED BY A. D. E. ELMER NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN
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Lithocarpus submonticola (Elmer) Rehder