Arthothelium spectabile A.Massal.
Filed As
Arthothelium spectabile A.Massal. -
NY Barcode: 04575475
Occurrence ID: 5b98428a-acb4-4b3d-a78f-8d9515592494
Kryptogamae exsiccatae editae a Museo Palatino Vindobonensi
Exsiccatae Number: 1857
All Determinations
Location Notes
Kryptoffamae exsiccatae. (XrvJ^U orwL 1857. Arthothelium spectabile. mew vrtau RTiTANir.AI GARDEN 04575475 Mass., Ricerch. sull’ auton. Lich. (1852), p. 54, Fig. 101; Körb., Syst. Lieh. German. (1855), p. 2g3 et Parerg. Lich. (1861), p. 260; Hepp, Flecht. Europ., Nr. 5S6 (i860); Bausch in Verhandl. naturwiss. Verein Carlsruhe, vol. IVr (1869), p, 166; Stein apud Cohn, Krypt.-Flora von Schlesien, vol. II, 2. Heft (1879), p. 280; Hazsl., Magy. Zuzm6- Flor. (1884), p. 226; Sydow, Flecht. Deutschl. (1887), p. 238 cum icone; Rehm apud Rabh., Krypt.-Flora von Deutschl., edit. 2a, vol. I, Abteil. Ill (1891), p. 440 cum icone; Jatta, Sylloge Lich. Italic. (1900), p. 472 et Lichen in Flora Italic. Crypt., Fase. Ill (1911), p. 770, Fig. 71a; A. Zahlbr. apud Engler-Prantl, Natürl. Pflanzenfamil., I. Teil,^Abteil, I* (1903), p. 91, Fig. 45; H. Fink in Contrib. U. S. Nation. Herbar., vol. XIV (1890); p. 59; A. L. Smith, Monogr. Brit. Lich., vol. II (1911), p. 220, Tab. XXI. —• Arthonia specta- bilis Fw. apud Fries, Lichgr. Europ. Reform. (i83i), p. 371; Kickx in Bullet. Acad. Roy. Scienc. Belgique, 2. ser., vol. XX (1865), p. 120; Leight., Lich.-Flora Great Brit, (1871), p. 402 et edit. 3a (1879), p. 420; Almqu. in Kgl. Svensk. Veten. Akad. Handl., vol. XVII, Nr. 6 (1880), p. 3g; Willey, Synops. Genus Arthonia (1890), p. 51; Nyl., Sert. Lich. Trop. Labuan et Singap. (1891), p. 9 et in Acta Sot. Seien. Fennic., vol. XXVI, Nr. 10 (1900), p. 20. — Arthonia difformis Nyl. in Memoir. Soc. Scienc. Nat. Cher- bourg, vol. V (1857), p. 144; Oliv., Expos. Lieh. Ouest de la France, vol. II (1902), p. 215, Germania (Baden): ad truncos Carpinorum et Fraxinorum ad Haagen prope Lörrach. leg. G, Lett an. Donated to NY in 1988 04575475
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Arthothelium spectabile A.Massal.