Curculigo capitulata (Lour.) Kuntze

  • Filed As

    Curculigo capitulata (Lour.) Kuntze

  • Collector(s)

    A. D. E. Elmer 8862, Mar 1907

  • Location

    Philippines. Benguet. Baguio City. Baguio, Benguet Province, Luzon, Wooded ravines near Sablan.

  • Habitat

    wooded ravines. in rich fertile soil.

  • Description

    Small tufts; Leaves gracefully recurved, plicate, velvety green on the upper surface, paler beneath, from 1 foot to over a meter long, from 1 inch to 1 foot in width; inflorescence upon a 10 inch fuzzy brown and flattened peduncle, capitate; flowers erect, arranged in closely set circles, yellow; persistent bracts green; corolla also persistent, withering to a dull brown; infrutescence half nodding, the individual fruits becoming scattered and yellowish. The leaves are frequently used by the Igorotes as cups for drinking water; the two ends are stoved in and held in the boat shaped receptacle; "Tokan." the leaves are used as a cup.

  • Specimen Notes

    [Record databased by volunteers in the DIGIVOL Crowdsourcing Platform. Imported to NYBG database in 2024.]

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4354702

    Occurrence ID: ccafc8c9-aa04-4151-af4b-8249e6a6ced1

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  • Region


  • Country


  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Baguio City

  • Locality

    Baguio, Benguet Province, Luzon, Wooded ravines near Sablan.

  • Location Notes


  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

8862« Curculigo recurvata Dry. Small tufts in rich
f#rtil« »oil of «ood«d ravin«« hear Sablan; leaves gracefully
recurved, plicate, velvety green on th« upper surface, paler
beneath, from X foot to over a meter long« from 1 inch to 1
foot in width; inflorescence upon a 10 inch fussy brown and
flattened peduncle, capitatej flowers erect, arranged in close*
circles, yellow; persistent bracts green; corolla also
persi*t«ntf withering to * dull brown; infrut«seen©« half nod-
ding , the individual fruits bocoming scattered and yellowish;
Th« leav«* are frequently used by the Igorotes as cups for
drinking water; the two ends are stored in and held in th«
boat shaped receptacle; *Tokan. * the leaves are used as a cup.
Baguio* March, lfeftMEftS FlELT) NOTES
Locality BftgtklO
Province	BeDgU©t Island