Suregada multiflora (A.Juss.) Baill.

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    Suregada multiflora (A.Juss.) Baill.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4346506

    Occurrence ID: 597464e5-aa22-451c-8b47-bfa8b22052fa

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Suregada multiflora (A.Juss.) Baill.
rev. Y. Schmidt (MSB) & H.-J. Esser (M) 2007	r 3
University of Illinois at Chicago
Field Museum of Natural History
Genus: Suregada
Species: species	Suregada angustifolium Muell.-Arg.
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Det. By: T. Santisuk April 9, 1987
Field Chr: Treelet, frts green.
Locality: Thailand: Krabi, road between Pee pee Marine Natl Park
and Krabi.
Habitat: Secondary forest, sandy soil.
Alt.: 20 m Geogr. Coord.: 8 10 N X 98 45 E
Coll.: D.D.Soejarto,T.Santisuk,K.Taylor,N.Nantasan.
No.: 5956 Coll. Date: April 9, 1987
This is a voucher specimen for anticancer and antiAIDS screening.
NCI Sample Number: Q6600963-I, Q6601027-C.
Collected under contract to: U.S. National Cancer Institute,
University of Illinois at Chicago, Arnold Arboretum (Harvard
University), and Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago).