Cheilanthes chusana Hook.

Plants of China
Cheilanthes chusana Hooker
Det. Xianchun Zhang, February 2016
Hubei Province, Xingshan Xian, Gaolan Zhen: Near Liang He Kou,
along provincial road S312 (Langguo Road) NE of Shizikou.
31°13'6"N, 110°52'45"E; 370 m. Steep, dry, heavily disturbed slope
above river, mostly littered with road construction debris, such as
large rocks and other fill material; vegetation mostly Vitex negundo,
Discocleidion, Indigofera and other xerophytic plants. Only in small,
undisturbed area on slope in shade of shrubs. Fronds clustered at apex
of erect rhizome, lower surface green. DNA material available.
D. E. Boufford, M. J. Donoghue, Zelong Nie, P. W. Sweeney &
Daigui Zhang
43778	14 August 2014
Harvard University Herbaria