Pothomorphe peltata (L.) Miq.

Plants of the Guiana Shield
Piperpeltatum L.
Det. Carol L. Kelloff (US) 2014
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni, Trail leading along Isseneru Creek
toward old village.
6° 22’ 43 "N, 60° 22' 20" W. Elev. 127 m.
Red mud soil, seasonally flooded. Large Mora trees
Erect herb 1.5 m tall. Inflorescence in axis of leaves on 6 cm
pedicels. Spikes clustered at tip of pedicel. Flowers white.
K. M. Redden 4443
with: C. Perry, P. Benjamin, D. Singh, C. Wil^$p£nfter 2006
United States National Herbarium (US)
Biological Diversity of the Guiana Shield Program
EMu ira: 10705057