Juanulloa verrucosa (Rusby) Hunz. & Subils

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The New York Botanical Garden " j
Plants of BOLIVIA
juanulloa verrucosa (Rusby) A. Hunz. & Subils
(The tomentose phase of J! parasitica Ruiz & Pav.?)
DEPTO. COCHABAMBA, Prov. Chapare, vie. Hotel El
Puente, 1.5 km. SE of Villa Tunari, on the E side of the Rio
Espíritu Santo.
16°59’S, 65°24’30”W. alt. 330 m
Tropical evergreen forest and edges.
Hemi-epiphyte at 3 m. from ground on small tree, the stems
spreading-arching, the largest stem 5 cm. in diameter, 4 m. long.
Plant almost entirely leafless, with a very few old leaves and one
new flush, otherwise only very young flushing leaves beginning
to appear. Many hanging inflorescences; flowers held
horizontally; calyx pink-purple; corolla tip visible, slightly down-
curved, yellow-green. The species seen in several places near
Villa Tunari.
Coll.: M. Nee & A. Molina 0.
No. 58463
2 Dec. 2011