Plagiochila porelloides (Torr. ex Nees) Lindenb.
Filed As
Plagiochila porelloides (Torr. ex Nees) Lindenb. -
NY Barcode: 04470627
Occurrence ID: dcbb9e8f-81e1-4b7f-819f-7478afcfffb3
All Determinations
Plagiochila porelloides (Torr. ex Nees) Lindenb. det D. H. Wagner, Dec 2020
BRYOFLORA OF CALIFORNIA RUSSIAN WILDERNESS, KLAMATH NATIONAL FOREST Plagiochila porelloides (Torrey ex Nees) Lindenberg det. by David H. Wagner xii.2020 r’ARnpN 04470627 SISKIYOU COUNTY, CA Scott River Drainage. Along the Eaton Lake Trail less than 0.25 mile from junction with trail to Big Duck Lake and Little Duck Lake. R9W, T40N, section 7. Lat/Long: NAD 83: 41°19'23.6" N, 122°55'53.7" W. Elev: 5700 ft. Mixed conifer forest at spring with Taxus and mountain alder. On saturated humus in partial shade. James R. Shevock 57726 17 Oct 2020 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES & Coll. No LIGHT: sunny, ffpen, filtg^gd, partial^ftade, full shade WATER: dry, mesic, moxfrTSseyrweCsaturated, submerged to_m TOPOG: ridge#jslopi)swale, valley^tTafl^oadside Jopen/cutforesJ) woodland, savannah, grassland, heath, chaparral, tropicaCSiD-tropical, temperate, subalpine, alpine, desert, riparian, Sfmng/seejg^neadow, bog/fen, swamp, pond, lake, vernal pool, river/stream/creekbank, intermittent streamlet, rivulet, rheophytic SUBSTRATE: igneous (granite, volcanic), metamorphic (slate, shale, nm£bl& limestone), sedimentary (sandstone^f-ottier_ vSoj^>sand, loam, gravel, clay, rocKyTiitter, hmnuy, peat Rock: outcrop, cliff, crevice, top/wall of boulder, rock-slab, underhang Tree: base, buttress, trunk, stump, snag, log, fallen/dead/rotten trunk, branch, exposed roots, bark, leaf, shrub, climber, liana,_m above ground Type: conifer, podocarp, hardwood, tree fern, palm, bamboo,_ Dominant plants: _____- 04470627
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Plagiochila porelloides (Torr. ex Nees) Lindenb.