Bucklandiella heterosticha (Hedw.) Ochyra & Bednarek-Ochyra
Filed As
Bucklandiella heterosticha (Hedw.) Ochyra & Bednarek-Ochyra -
NY Barcode: 04444017
Occurrence ID: 02d79d45-d904-437b-af1c-81d0edadac4f
All Determinations
Bucklandiella heterosticha (Hedw.) Ochyra & Bednarek-Ochyra det D. R. Toren, 2021
Location Notes
[US & Canada]
BRYOFLORA OF CALIFORNIA MARBLE MTN WILDERNESS, KLAMATH NATIONAL FOREST Bucklandiella heterosticha (Hedwig) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra det. by David Toren iii.2021 NEW YORK RDTANinil rSAQncK) SISKIYOU COUNTY, CA 0444401 ? Along Wooley Creek Trail just above the wilderness boundary on steep south-facing slope overlooking the Salmon River. R7E, T11N, section 6. Lat/Long: NAD 83: 41°22'36.1" N, 123°25'46.5" W. Elev: 1075 ft. Quercus chrysolepis woodland with Arctostaphylos among exposed metamorphic rock outcrops and boulders in sun. James R. Shevock 58090 27 Feb 2021 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES %$ Coll. No BOTANICAL LIGHT: sunny, open, filtered, partial shade, full shade WATEte'tffypnesic, moist, seep, wet, saturated, submerged to_m TOPOG:*rnige/^iraj, swale, valley^tr3TE>oadside HABITAT. deilS’S^pej/cut forest, woodftnnt) savannah, grassland, heath, chaparral, tropicaTsub-tropical, tenipCTafeTsubalpine, alpine, desert, riparian, spring/seep, meadow, bog/fen, swamp, pond, lake, vernal pool, river/stream/creek bank, intermittent streamlet, rivulet, rheophytic SUBSTRATE: igneous (granite, volcanic), mgfamorpBjp (slate, shale, marble, limestone), sedimentary (sandstone), OlllefT _______ Soil: sand, loam, gravel, clay, rock^jittecrhuiims, peat RdfKToutcrojj^IifF, crevice, top/wall of bouldej>rock-slab, underhang aseTButtress, trunk, stump, snag, log/fallen/dead/rotten trunk, branch, exposed roots, bark, leaf, shrub, climber, liana,_m above ground Type: conifer, podocarp, hardwood, tree fern, palm, bamboo,_ Dominant plants:______; 04444017
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Bucklandiella heterosticha (Hedw.) Ochyra & Bednarek-Ochyra