Virola elongata (Benth.) Warb.

  • Filed As

    Virola elongata (Benth.) Warb.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4204865

    Occurrence ID: 8b57b0a5-4239-45fd-b88b-aca757dae7ca

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rr. , elongala. (BtU V&vi.
*rPA bel- RcJirlaves, I1Í2
Prov.« Maynas. Sanangaí# margen ¿lerecha del
Río Itaya# a 1 hora en deslizador de Iquitos
cerca de Yanayaco. 73 20'W 4 10*3, alt. 120
m« Bosque secundario no inundable (purma).
Arbol 15®* yemas florales marrones.
R. Vasquez, N. Jaramillo, &
P. Stern_ 32*f_8 Agosto 1980
Collected under the auspices of the Flora of Peru project, a collaborative effort of the Missouri Botanical
Garden and Field Museum of Natural History in conjunction with the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San
y	Marcos and the Universidad Nacional de Amazonia Peruana. Field work supported by the National Science
J	Foundation and National Geographic Society.