Sterile sorediate crust

The New York Botanical Garden
Cryptogams of Wisconsin, U.S.A.
sterile, soraliate - TLC-
on HC1+ sandstone
Sauk County: Baraboo Hills,' Spring Green Reserve
State Natural Area, off Jones Road, T.8-9N., R.4E.,
sects. 5 & 32, 43°12’N, 90°04’W; disturbed sand
prairie with sandstone and quartzite outcrops.
4 September 1998
William R. Buck 34515
NEWYORK botan ical garden
no lichen substances detected
Determined by R. C. Harris, 1998. No. 1605-13
Merck Silica Gel 60/F254
Toluene:dioxane:acetic acid (90:25:^)