Abies sibirica Ledeb.

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    Abies sibirica Ledeb.

29 N,
ï [CCTÎ Central, SIBERIA
^ReSion of Novosibirsk)
Abies sibirica *Ledeb.
Shade branches from one tree.
-Ables sibirica—Picea obovata forest on
very steep slopes and cliffs along Kinterep
River, at site of former settlement of
Pereleshino, ca. 13 km ENE from Alexan-
drovka and 4 km ESE of Yegor’evsk, ca.
122 km ESE of Novosibirsk, 27 km NE of
32 1E
H.	H. litis
J. C. Coffey
M.	F. Denton
I.	Krasnoborov
Alt. 300-400 m
26 July 1979
4th field expedition conducted to the U.S.S.R. under the USA/USSR
Cooperative Agreement in the Protection of the Environment, Project
VU - Protection of Native Species of Flora. Sponsored by the Carv
Arboretum of the New York Botanical Garden.
i	Central SIBERIA
(Region of Novosibirsk)
a)JZool,	dark, moist, mossy Abies sibirica
"orest, at or near base of steep N-facing
slope above Kinterep River in N-facing
microhabitats, with Oxalis acetosella,
Daphne mezereum, Aconitum septentrionale,
Actffea erythrocarpa, Paris quadrifolia.
b)	Open sunny Picea obovata—Abies sibirica-
Betula pendula woods on top and S-facing
slope of razorback ridge, along footpath,
with Angelica sylvestris.
c)	Floodplain meadow along Kinterep River
with giant herbs (to 3 m) of Aconitum
septentrionale, A. volubile, Archangelica
decurrens, Heracleum dissecturn, Cirsium
heterophyllum, jC. ap., Delphinium elatum,
Veronica longifolia.
d)	NE-facing wooded steep talus slope along
Kinterep River, with giant moss- and fern-
covered boulders under Abies sibirica,
Picea obovata, and Betula pendula, with
Adoxa moschatellina, Circaea alpina,
Athyrium crenatum.
e)	Crevices of N-facing cliffs in open,
with Saxifraga sibirica, Draba sibirica,
Cryptogramma stelleri, Woodsia glabella,
Campanula rotundifolia, Thalictrum foetidum.
H.	H. Iltis
J. C. Coffey
If. F. Denton
I.	Krasnoborov
26 July 1979
4th field expedition conducted to the U.S.S.R. under the USA/USSR
Cooperative Agreement in the Protection of the Environment, Project
VI.I - Protection of Native Species of Flora. Sponsored by the Cary
Arboretum of the New York Botanical Garden.