Smilax domingensis Willd.

New York Botanical Garden
'fe<v>H'Acv ^ 7^01 r ^covc)«
^yvijJhfi	tù^tù^L ir }i(jä^äv
det. R.A. DcFüipps, U.S.National Herbarium (US), 199^
New York Botatiioal Garden Tfopical Expedition - 1944
lts of Tafelberg (Table Mountain), Surinam
Smilax Kunthii Killip et Morton (S. flori-
bmda Kunth)
Frequent.; climbing to 10 m*$ precipitous east-
facing slopes above escarpment, 300 m. south
of East Ridge*
Bassett Maguire	August 29, 1944
Specimen examined for the Flora of the Guianas
Expedition financed in part by aid from the American Philosophical
1Society, the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
and Mr. Pierre •%